The Nevada Division of Emergency Management (DEM) Planning
program is part of the overall DEM Preparedness Program, which includes
the DEM Training and Exercise programs.
The Planning program develops statewide and regional
all-hazards plans to support local and tribal jurisdiction emergency and
disaster response, including the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
(SCEMP) and the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) Operating
Guides. The DEM Planning program also provides “Whole Community”
planning expertise to city, county, tribal and state agency emergency
management programs that are required to develop all hazards emergency
operations plans.
DEM Planners provide technical assistance in the
development of jurisdiction and agency Continuity of Operations (COOP)
plans. COOP plans are used to ensure businesses and local governments are
able to provide essential services and functions when the entity is directly
impacted by an emergency or disaster. The Planning program accepts and
maintains emergency plans that are developed from resort casinos, public and
private schools and utilities in accordance with the Nevada Revised
Statutes. A critical function of the DEM Planning Section is
support to the State Emergency Operations Center during activation due to a state
emergency. The Planning Section falls under the SEOC’s incident command
structure and maintains the state’s common operating picture, tracks resources,
determines statewide resource needs, and develops the state’s Incident Action
Plan for the event.