Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System

Mutual aid agreements are strongly encouraged by the federal government under the National Incident Management System (NIMS). The National Mutual Aid and Resource Management Initiative established under NIMS provides a comprehensive, integrated national mutual aid and resource management system. All mutual aid agreements must incorporate NIMS and the Incident Command System (ICS). The responsibility of preparedness is tasked to the federal, state, local, and tribal agencies, also to include private, nongovernmental organizations and citizens. The Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System (IMAS), which is established in Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) Chapter 414A, is consistent with the Presidential Policy Directive 8’s goal to achieve all hazards national preparedness.

Chapter 414 of the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) authorizes the State and its political subdivisions to provide emergency aid and assistance in the event of an emergency or disaster. Chapter 414 authorizes the Nevada Office of the Military, Division of Emergency Management / Homeland Security(DEM) to coordinate use of the equipment, services, and/or facilities owned or organized by the State, or its political subdivisions, for use in the affected areas upon request.

The Intrastate Mutual Aid System (IMAS) was established by the 78th Session of the Nevada Legislature. Chapter 414A became effective July 1, 2015 and authorizes the Nevada Office of the Military, Division of Emergency Management / Homeland Security to administer the System pursuant to the provisions of the chapter and to coordinate the provision of mutual aid during the response to, and recovery from an emergency or disaster (NRS 414A.100(2) (a)). 

The initial response to an emergency is the responsibility of the impacted local jurisdiction. The expectation is that the impacted jurisdiction will exhaust their local resources before requesting mutual aid. However, when the size or complexity of an emergency threatens to overwhelm local capabilities, mutual aid may be utilized to request assistance from other political subdivisions, special districts, state agencies, and tribal nations within the State of Nevada. The assistance provided may be through the IMAS or through separate local mutual aid agreements. This Policy and Operating Procedures (OP) guide applies only to assistance provided through the IMAS.