I promised to speak to the requirement of having a Correction Action Program. If any jurisdiction in Nevada uses DHS grant funds then the Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP) process must be followed for exercises. This process, which requires an After-Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) and a Corrective Action tracking process, benefits jurisdictions and agencies in assessing their readiness and capability. The Nevada Exercise Program Guidance pages 21 and 22 give a suggested process to follow. First, a number of necessary corrective actions will be reported in an AAR/IP. These should be placed into a Table or Excel Spreadsheet as per the example below:
Corrective Action
Completion Date
County HazMat FSE
June 2012
Develop Pre-scripted Public Information messages regarding shelter and evacuation
County PIO
Jan. 1, 2013
County PIO waiting for approval of pre-scripted messages.
Bombs are Us
September 2012
Hold ICS 300 and ICS 400 training for all Incident Command personnel
County Training Officer
June 1, 2013
IC personnel are scheduled to attend training at NDEM in April 2013.
Second, schedule a day (NDEM uses every other month) to update the information. Contact responsible individuals to know if the status has changed on the corrective action. If a corrective action has been resolved, place that in another table or spreadsheet for records as you update the current outstanding corrective actions from AAR/IP’s. Keep both tables/spreadsheets as proof of complying with the HSEEP requirement to track corrective actions to completion.
For comments and other suggestive tracking methods feel free to email me at: tcary@dps.state.nv.us.
Best Regards,
Tim Cary