am blogging ahead of my normal schedule to share important information. We all
have been waiting for over two-years for FEMA to introduce the new HSEEP
doctrine and new Core Capability Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEGs). Two weeks
ago these documents along with new templates that can be used for exercise
planning and conduct were released by FEMA.
Click here to see and
download the small one volume doctrine that takes the place of all the 2007 volumes.
Click here to see and download the new templates and Core Capability EEGs. You will see the templates and EEGs at the bottom of the website’s page.
download and save to a folder everything above. You never know when the website
or your internet connection may not be working.
So, what does this all mean? FEMA Region IX suggests that any exercise already in
the planning stages and using target capabilities should complete the process
using target capabilities. If you haven’t began exercise planning for that next
exercise, then I encourage you to use the new system 100%.
is Beta-Testing a new HSEEP course online this month. It is two-days long and
no travel is necessary. If all goes well, expect FEMA’s Emergency Management
Institute (EMI) to begin advertizing and scheduling two-day online HSEEP
courses by the end of June 2013. They are also updating the course for
classroom training and should train me by the end of summer so that I can hold
classroom courses if needed.
FEMA HSEEP databases (NEXS and CAP systems) will be updated and made more user
friendly by this fall. Please be patient as this system is being put into place
one piece at a time. I will be at a few Training and Exercise Planning
Workshops (TEPW) this year introducing audiences to the new system. The State
TEPW is being planned for sometime in September. More news on that is
forthcoming from NDEM soon.
comments and or questions feel free to email me at: tcary@dps.state.nv.us
Best Regards,
Tim Cary