Emergency Response Plans

Emergency Response Plan Portal

The Emergency Response Plan Portal provides organizations with a secure, cost-effective location from which to publish and distribute their emergency response plans to local emergency response officials.

Emergency Operations Planning and National Incident Management System

The Planning, Training and Exercise program of the Division of Emergency Management (NDEM) developed the Nevada Emergency Operations Planning Guide as a supplement to the FEMA Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG 101) Developing and Maintaining State, Territorial, Tribal and Local Government Emergency Plans (March 2009). The purpose of this guide is to provide Nevada specific guidance for local jurisdiction emergency planners to produce Emergency Operations Plans (EOP) as required by Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 239C.250. This guide complements CPG101, which is a very current and useful reference, designed to help state agencies, local governments, tribal nations, and businesses develop integrated, all-hazards planning program. 

If your political subdivision’s emergency response plan has been reviewed, but remains unchanged, you may submit a written certification indicating that the most recent response plan filed with NDEM is the current response plan. 

Resort Hotel Emergency Response Plan Overview

NRS 463.790 requires Resort Hotels, as defined by NRS 463.01865, to develop, adopt, and maintain an Emergency Response Plan (ERP). This guide was developed by the Nevada Division of Emergency Management (NDEM) with input from the Resort Planning Task Force to provide additional guidance for this statutory requirement, and to assist Resort Hotels of various sizes and locations to scale the models presented here to meet their business, security, and operational needs. ERPs, as required by statute and explored in this document, are intended to mitigate the risks and consequences of potential manmade and natural threats and hazards, specifically as they may occur within Nevada’s Resort Hotels, risks and consequences that are further mitigated by training and exercising of high-quality plans after they are developed. This guide is intended to provide a starting point for Hotel Resorts just beginning the planning process or thoughts for refining existing plans. As such, it should not be construed as additional ERP elements required by NDEM.

Utility Vulnerability Assessments and Emergency Response Plans

As defined in Nevada Revised Statue 239C.110, and in accordance with NRS 239C.270 the Division of Emergency Management is required to collect and securely warehouse vulnerability assessments and emergency response plans for utilities.

School Crisis and Emergency Operations Plan Overview

Each school day, our schools are entrusted to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for our students in public, private and charter schools. Families and communities expect schools to keep their children and youths safe from threats (human-caused emergencies such as crime and violence) and hazards (natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and accidents).    

The Nevada Division of Emergency Management works in collaboration with the Nevada Department of Education to assure that all schools are prepared to prevent, protect, mitigate, respond and recover from any event. 

The Nevada Revised Statue (NRS) 388.229 through NRS 388.261 and NRS 394.168 through NRS 394.1699 lays the foundation and guidelines for the requirements of the crisis and emergency response plan. Together we offer schools technical assistance, guidance and tools to create a comprehensive emergency operation plan. We encourage schools to work with their local government and community partners to train and exercise that plan. Our goal is to see that every Nevada child receives a safe environment to excel in their education. 

Nevada Requirements for Crisis and Emergency Response for Schools

Nevada public, private and charter schools are required to have School Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) that meet the federal definition of a high-quality school EOP; in addition to Nevada requirements.

Federal Requirements for Developing High Quality School Emergency Operations Plans

National preparedness efforts, including planning, are charged by Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 8, which was signed by the president in March 2011 and describes the nation’s approach to preparedness. This directive represents an evolution in the collective understanding of national preparedness, based on the lessons learned from: terrorist attacks; flooding; wildland fires; school incidents; and other experiences.  

The Federal Guide for Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans was developed in response to the president’s call for model emergency management plans for schools.  

The purpose of the guide was to ensure that schools’ emergency planning efforts were aligned with the emergency planning practices at the national, state, and local levels. National incidents placed a new emphasis on the process and content for developing emergency operations plans. 

Nevada public, private and charter schools are required to utilize the Nevada Department of Education's Model Plan options for their Emergency Operation Plan's as required by NRS 388.253. 

Option1: Emergency Operations Plan-(EOP) Assist Interact Workbook   

Option 2: Certify that your Emergency Operation Plan meets all of the requirements specified in the Crisis and Emergency Response Model Plan Guidance Checklist. Nevada public, private and charter schools will be required to provide the attached Crisis & Emergency Response Compliance Certification annually.    

Nevada public, private and charter schools will be required to provide the attached Crisis & Emergency Response Compliance Certification annually.

Access and Functional Needs Resources

The Access and Functional Needs Resource and Implementation Guide aims to present an operative structure for implementing CMIST (Communications, Maintain Health, Independence, Support, and Transportation), a public health framework when planning for our vulnerable populations. It combines CMIST with POETE (Planning, Organizing, Equipping, Training, and Exercising), an emergency management process. This blend of the public health and emergency management worlds is essential, as every incident involves public health.