CMIST Framework
Individuals with access and functional needs (AFN), such as adults with disabilities, may have additional needs that must be considered in planning for, responding to, and recovering from a disaster or public health emergency. The CMIST framework provides a memory tool to plan and operationalize five basic functional needs categories that should be addressed in an emergency or disaster.
Communication - People with communication needs may have limited ability to hear announcements, see signs, understand messages, or verbalize their concerns.
Maintaining Health - Individuals who require medications, supplies, services, medical equipment, electricity for life maintaining equipment, breastfeeding, infant and child care, nutrition, etc.
Independence - Ensuring that a person's access and functional needs are addressed as long as they are not separated from their mobility devices, assistive technology, service animals, etc.
Support, Safety And Self Determination - Individuals who have lost caregiver assistance, experience confusion, or are victims or abuse, requiring support for personal safety. Self- determination means retaining the ability to self-direct and control over services and supports that are offered to them.
Transportation - Ensuring that a person's access and functional needs are addressed as long as they are not separated from their mobility devices, assistive technology, service animals, etc.