Nevada Resilience AdvisoryCommittee


The Nevada Resilience Advisory Committee (“Committee”) is established in Chapter 239C of the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS), which was passed and approved through Senate Bill 35 of the 80th Session of the Nevada State Legislature in 2019. It was previously established as the Resilience Commission under Executive Order 2018‐4, entitled, “Implementation of Nevada’s Statewide Resilience Strategy,” signed by Governor Sandoval on March 12, 2018, and under the authority of the Chief of the Division of Emergency Management (“DEM”) as permitted by NRS Chapter 414.

Purpose and Mission

The Committee was established to streamline Nevada’s existing emergency management and homeland security public body structure, grant allocation processes, as well as, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery efforts. The Committee will ensure statewide collaboration in the development and implementation of all homeland security and emergency management preparedness initiatives and propose balanced allocation of grant funding to address statewide needs. 
The Committee serves in an advisory role to the Chief of DEM. Therefore, the mission of the Committee will be to provide recommendations, and as a result, will not usurp the power of the State Administrative Agent (“SAA”) to manage the multiple grant funding streams that enter the State of Nevada.
The Committee will serve in the capacity of, and complete the functions of, the State Senior Advisory Council, the Homeland Security Working Group, the State Interoperability Executive Board, the State Interoperability Governance Board, Emergency Management Coordinating Council, Nevada Hazards Mitigation Planning Committee and Subcommittee, Nevada Earthquake Safety Council, and the Citizens Corps Council. 


The Chief of DEM shall appoint no more than thirty‐four (34) voting members to the Committee that are determined to be an appropriate crosssection of emergency management and homeland security professionals within Nevada, while representing the rural, urban, and tribal communities throughout the state.  The voting membership, excluding the Chair, will serve two (2) year terms and may be reappointed without limitation.