Nevada Tribal Emergency Coordinating Council (NTECC) is appointed and
authorized by the 28 federally recognized Tribes in Nevada and the Nevada
Division of Emergency Management / Homeland Security(NDEM). The NTECC is responsible for providing
support to the 28 federally recognized Tribes in Nevada in all-hazards emergency management, obtaining grants, and serving as an advisory body to the Administrator of NDEM.
The NDEM is the
state agency responsible for the administration of emergency preparedness,
prevention, response, recovery, and mitigation. It is established by the Nevada
Legislature in Chapter 414 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
All federally recognized
Tribes in Nevada may have one (1) voting representative on the NTECC. No
federally recognized Tribe in Nevada shall have more than one representative
appointed to the NTECC. The Tribal Chairperson will provide a letter of
designation to the Administrator of NDEM for the selected tribal representative. The Administrator of NDEM will officially appoint the selected tribal member to the NTECC.