Nevada Tribal Emergency Coordinating Council / Tribal Affairs

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The Nevada Tribal Emergency Coordinating Council (NTECC) is appointed and authorized by the 28 federally recognized Tribes in Nevada and the Nevada Division of Emergency Management / Homeland Security(NDEM). The NTECC is responsible for providing support to the 28 federally recognized Tribes in Nevada in all-hazards emergency management, obtaining grants, and serving as an advisory body to the Administrator of NDEM.  

The NDEM is the state agency responsible for the administration of emergency preparedness, prevention, response, recovery, and mitigation. It is established by the Nevada Legislature in Chapter 414 of the Nevada Revised Statutes. 

All federally recognized Tribes in Nevada may have one (1) voting representative on the NTECC. No federally recognized Tribe in Nevada shall have more than one representative appointed to the NTECC. The Tribal Chairperson will provide a letter of designation to the Administrator of NDEM for the selected tribal representative. The Administrator of NDEM will officially appoint the selected tribal member to the NTECC.

Purpose and Mission

The purpose of NTECC is to serve as an advisory body for NDEM for policy and programmatic functions for the 28 federally recognized Tribes in Nevada with respect to emergency management on Tribal lands in the following ways:

  • Advise NDEM in the development of programs and policies regarding the implementation of Tribal emergency management programs.
  • Provide oversight in the distribution of funding available through the NDEM and other grant sources.
  • Encourage the creation of Tribal Emergency Response Commissions (TERC), Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC), and Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT).
  • Increase knowledge, skills, and education in emergency management and preparedness.
  • Encourage Tribal participation and input on Nevada emergency management commissions and committees.
  • Encourage Tribal compliance to the Threat & Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA).
  • Assist federally recognized Tribes in Nevada with emergency operations plans, tribal hazard mitigation plans, public health preparedness plans, tribal hazard vulnerability assessments (HVAs), training plans, exercises, and drills.
  • Promote state-wide Tribal compliance with Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5 and the National Incident Management System.
  • Encourage federally recognized Tribes in Nevada to opt-in to the Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System.
  • Promote inter-operability communications, mutual aid agreements, and coordination/cooperation from federally recognized Tribes in Nevada to all Nevada jurisdictions, NDEM, other state agencies, and federal agencies.
  • Maintain Tribal sovereignty with respect to each Nevada Tribal government and their members.

Tribal Affairs

The United States is home to 574 federally recognized tribes, with 229 located in Alaska and the remainder spread across 33 other states. The 2020 U.S. Census reported that approximately 3.7 million people identified solely as American Indian or Alaska Native, accounting for about 1.1% of the total U.S. population. Additionally, 5.9 million individuals identified as American Indian or Alaska Native in combination with one or more other races, bringing the total to 9.7 million, or roughly 2.9% of the population.

Nevada Department of Native American Affairs

Department of Native American Affairs (DNAA) is a State agency created by statute in 1965 to “study matters affecting the social and economic welfare and well-being of American Indians residing in Nevada, including, but not limited to, matters and problems relating to Indian affairs and to federal and state control, responsibility, policy, and operations affecting such Indians.” Initially established as the Nevada Indian Commission, it was originally to be a mediary for Tribal-State relations and the entity whereby Tribal concerns and issues affecting Native American Indians could be directly addressed with the Governor.

Is your Tribe Preparedness Ready?

Good preparations today can decrease fear, reduce losses, and speed recovery in a time of disaster or emergency. Ready Indian Country is a campaign to encourage Tribal Nations to prepare for disasters. The program’s goal is to collaborate with tribal governments to build emergency management capability and partnerships to ensure continued survival of Tribal nations and communities. Three recommended tips:  

  •  Make a family communications plan.
  •  Create or purchase an emergency supply kit.
  •  Be informed about the different types of emergencies that could occur, the appropriate responses, and where to get vital information during emergencies.

For additional details on how to prepare visit: Indian Country

Protect your Tribe with Training

NDEM offers several regularly scheduled courses that can also be delivered to your jurisdiction upon request.

FEMA provides no-cost training for tribal leaders, emergency planners, first responders, and others. The Tribal Curriculum is a series of courses designed with Tribal people, for Tribal Governments, in order to meet the unique emergency management needs of these Sovereign Nations with regard to tribal culture, tradition, sovereignty and governance.  


The Tribal Curriculum has expanded to five courses, with the feather logo symbolizing high-quality, culturally appropriate emergency management training for Indian Country. This program strengthens collaboration with tribal governments, enhancing emergency management capabilities and fostering resilience in tribal nations and communities.