Division Sections


This section manages administrative, fiscal and grants staff, budgets, fiscal accounting, personnel, payroll, travel and all other functions that support all facets of our agency.

Grants Management

The State of Nevada, Division of Emergency Management is responsible for applying for federal funding through the Department of Homeland Security. DEM is the State Administrative Agency for the distribution of these funds. This section manages grant funds for pre and post emergency or disaster related projects. These funds support critical recovery initiatives, innovative research and many other programs. These funds provide funding for equipment, planning, training, exercise, and management and administrative funding to emergency prevention, preparedness and response personnel in Nevada. These grants also provide funding to local governments for our critical infrastructure. This is defined as food and water systems, agriculture, health systems and emergency services, information and telecommunications, banking and finance, energy (electrical, gas and oil, dams), transportation (air, road, railways).


Recovery activities are those necessary to restore services and systems to a state of normalcy. Recovery actions include damage assessment and those necessary to return health and safety systems (e.g., water) and services (e.g., acute health care) to minimum operating standards. Various recovery activities are likely to be long-term and may continue for many years.


This section is responsible for managing emergency management programs that provide for mission support, interoperable communications and response capabilities; ensure assistance is provided to local governments and other state agencies in sustaining emergency management capabilities. The positions within this section manages resources that must satisfy the emergency preparedness mandates and initiatives associated with federal grant programs as well as maintaining Nevada Operations Center (NVOC).  

    NVOC Technology

    WebEOC is a secure, Internet-based emergency information management application that provides real-time information sharing of operational details from various government and public safety groups in response to an imminent threat, emergency or disaster.       

    WebEOC is maintained by DEM as a means to track and analyze disaster information for better decision making before, during and after incidents. WebEOC is provided to County Emergency Manager Agencies to assist with disaster coordination at the local level and to provide incident information to the State level for better communication and coordination of activity.  

    The Emergency Communications Center (ECC) supports communications and technology programs throughout the state, both for everyday operations and during times when the Nevada Operations Center has been activated. Some of the programs focused on are:  

    • The Integrated Public Alert & Warning systems, a national public warning system, used by the state and local authorities to deliver important emergency information to the public through partnerships with private sector broadcast partners,
    • The Auxiliary Communications or AUXCOMM program paired with Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES), ARES to support the Nevada Operations Center by providing emergency communications before, during and after an incident or event,
    • Interoperable Communications, ensuring that all authorized personnel at the Federal, Regional, state and local levels can talk to others in support of their missions,
    • 9-1-1 communications, allowing dispatch centers throughout the state to talk to the public and each other 24/7,
    • Access and Functional Needs and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (AFN/DEI) accommodations, working with the AFN coordinator to source equitable and sustainable communication options for all people living or visiting Nevada using current technology and industry best practices, and
    • Continuity of Operations, working to secure survivable means of communications for state and local authorities.  

    The ECC represents DEM on the Nevada Shared Radio System (NSRS) and represents the State of Nevada in several communications platforms to support the mission, including the National Alert Warning System (NAWAS), the FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) and the Shared Resources system (SHARES). In addition, the ECC maintains 4 radio caches to support operations and incident management requests, 3 amateur radio WINLINK gateways, and facilitates multiple communications specific training courses throughout the year.  

      Public Information and Communication

      The public information and communication is essential and contributes to fulfilling the Division of Emergency Management’s (DEM) mission and meeting strategic objectives and program goals. This is accomplished by organizing and implementing public information activities in order to provide the partnering agencies, public, and media with timely and accurate information during an incident and in matters of public interest. 

      One of the priorities for Public Information Officers (PIO), often referred to as Crisis Communicators is to educate and prepare residents through relevant, prompt, and authoritative emergency information. Internally communication systems and networks are essential for protecting lives and property in the event of any kind of significant disaster or emergency. The media and the public seek information and guidance during times of natural and manmade disasters and emergencies; therefore, the PIO has an inherent obligation to protect its citizens by disseminating this information. 

      Due to the importance of disseminating information quickly and accurately in times of crisis, DEM has several operational documents outlining policies, procedures and protocol. Dependent on the size of the incident and the division’s activation level, the PIO determines the execution of the appropriate action plan to include the Joint Information Center (JIC). 

      PIOs obtain information from various sources, compile the pertinent details in a concise manner and disseminate the specifics to pertinent parties internally and externally. Information is provided on warnings, alerts, shelter, evacuation orders, and the general progress of events. All facts must be reported as accurately as possible and in a timely manner as the incident unfolds.  

      Communication may occur through a number of avenues, including press conferences, phone calls, email, media outlets, and through social media platforms. Further, PIOs are often involved in developing public outreach materials, such as handbooks and flyers, web site development and media materials, such as press releases/advisories.


        This section provides the support, tools and resources to ensure that the division can build, sustain, and improve capabilities to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. The program is the foundation of our operations using the Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training, & Exercise (POETE) Model from our grant applications through the Integrated Preparedness Plan (IPP) for preparing Nevada.


          The DEM Planning Program works with all of the jurisdictions and Tribes in Nevada to develop the Nevada Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) and from that effort develops the Stakeholder Preparedness Report (SPR). The THIRA identifies threats (human caused) and hazards (natural or technological accidents). The THIRA process establishes capability goals for each of the FEMA core capabilities and the SPR process identifies core capability gaps and priorities to bridge the gaps. DEM Planning does this process each year at regional preparedness workshops. The THIRA/SPR is integral to understanding how prepared Nevada is and how the state and jurisdictions can improve.


            Hazard mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. It is most effective when implemented under a comprehensive, long-term mitigation plan. State, tribal, and local governments engage in hazard mitigation planning to identify risks and vulnerabilities associated with natural disasters, and develop long-term strategies for protecting people and property from future hazard events. Mitigation plans are key to breaking the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage.


            Operations is responsible for the management of all operations directly applicable to the primary mission. The Operations Section Chief activates and supervises organization elements in accordance with the Incident Action Plan and directs its execution. The most effective way to exercise direction and control under emergency conditions is to provide a single site for key officials to gather. This is known as an Emergency Operating Center (EOC) or field location. The EOC provides a central location for authority and the dissemination of official information, and allows for face-to-face coordination among personnel who must direct local support operations.


            The State of Nevada response functions are conducted in the Nevada Emergency Operations Center (NVOC). In the NVOC, representatives from various agencies and organizations coordinate supporting response activities such as public alert and warnings, mobilization of response personnel, and the coordination and application of resources. The DEM Chief, NVOC Manager and the Operations Section Chief coordinates the direction and control of supporting resources.


            Planning is part of the division's preparedness program, which includes training and exercise projects and activities.

            Planning develops statewide and regional all-hazards plans to support local and tribal jurisdiction emergency and disaster response, including the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (SCEMP) and the Nevada Operations Center (NVOC) operating guides. DEM planners incorporate the “Whole Community” concept into city, county, tribal and state agency emergency management programs that are required to develop all hazards emergency operations plans. 

            Planners provide technical assistance in the development of jurisdiction and agency Continuity of Operations (COOP) plans. COOP plans are used to ensure businesses and local governments are able to provide essential services and functions when the entity is directly impacted by an emergency or disaster. Planning accepts and maintains emergency plans that are developed from resort casinos, public and private schools and utilities in accordance with the Nevada Revised Statutes. A critical function of planning, is support to the NVOC during activation due to an incident, disaster or emergency in Nevada. Planning falls under the NVOC’s incident command structure and maintains the state’s common operating picture, tracks resources, determines statewide resource needs, and develops the state’s incident action plan for the event.

              Resource Management

              Resource Management often referred to as Logistics, oversees the resources and supplies need for the division's daily operations and activations. The division is required to maintain inventory lists of available resources from the local governments, private sector, and reserve staffing to support emergency operations. On larger incidents logistics oversees the provision of all the incident's support needs, such as ordering resources and providing facilities, transportation, supplies, equipment, maintenance and fuel, communications and food and medical services for incident.


                In support of Homeland Security Presidential Directives (HSPD) 5, 8, and 11, DEM has a formal, documented training program composed of training needs assessment, curriculum, course evaluations, and records of training.

                Emergency personnel receive and maintain training consistent with their current and potential responsibilities. Specialized training related to the threats confronting the jurisdiction is included in the training program.

                Training is regularly scheduled and conducted in conjunction with the overall goals and objectives of the training program. Training is based on the training needs assessment, internal and external requirements and mandates (i.e NIMS) and addresses deficiencies identified in the corrective action process.

                DEM utilizes courses developed from the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC) comprised of: FEMA’s National Emergency Training Center/Emergency Management Institute (EMI), Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) in Anniston, Alabama, the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMIMT), Louisiana State University (LSU), Texas A&M University (TEEX), and the Department of Energy's Nevada Test Site (NTS).


                This section is committed to providing the Nevada emergency management community, emergency response professionals, volunteers, and the private sector with the means to produce quality exercises that improves the preparedness of the State of Nevada, its citizens and resources. This is accomplished through the use of a State-wide exercise program: the Nevada Exercise Program (NEP), which includes standardized policies, processes, products, and assistance in all aspects of exercises. The NEP is an all hazard, multi-discipline, multi-jurisdictional program that utilizes a progressive approach with exercises focused on capabilities prioritized in the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) and the State Preparedness Report (SPR) processes.
                Exercises validate capabilities of individuals, teams, organizations and communities to prevent, protect, mitigate, respond, and recover from the effects of all emergency/disaster events. In order to successfully accomplish the validation of capabilities exercises need to have consistent processes for development, conduct, and evaluation. The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) provides this consistency. All exercises conducted in Nevada, utilizing Federal grant funds, are required to adopt the principles and guidance provided in HSEEP. 

                  Search and Rescue

                  Search, and Rescue (SAR) in Nevada is handled at the local level and is the responsibility of the County Sheriff's Office. The local SAR units provide aid to people who may have become lost or are in distress or imminent danger. The general field of search and rescue has most of its members who volunteer their time and skills to their communities. Many SAR teams have specialty units (such as Mounted SAR, Swift-water Rescue, Alpine Rescue, Drone Teams, etc.) to provide specific rescue capabilities for their areas, usually determined by the type of terrain in their response areas. 

                  Nevada is a state in which residents and visitors from all over the world come to and enjoy a wide variety of outdoor recreation. Activities such as camping, hiking, swimming, watersports, and skiing are just a few of the activities Nevada is known for. However, these activities may result in the need to find people who become lost, stuck in the wilderness, or injured. The primary focus of SAR teams is life safety.

                  DEM helps promote and assist with SAR activities when requested by the local jurisdiction performing the search with the coordination of resources and requesting assets from other local, state, and federal partners to assist jurisdictions with their search activities. 


                    In 2003 the Nevada Legislature created the Nevada Commission on Homeland Security as a response to the terror attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. As described in Chapter 239C of the Nevada Revised Statues (NRS 239C), the Nevada Commission on Homeland Security is tasked with several responsibilities directed toward making recommendations to the Governor, the Legislature, local governments, private business, and citizens about actions and measures that may be taken to protect the citizens and visitors to this State from potential acts of terrorism and related emergencies.